Arista Dental Clinic Blog
Healthy Foods That Can Be Bad For Your Teeth
July 22, 2019
Some foods that are genuinely good for your overall health can actually damage your teeth when eaten too often. Here are a few particularly popular culprits.
When to See an Endodontist
July 14, 2019
An endodontist is a type of specialist dentist. Like many healthcare terms, the word "endodontics" comes from Greek, and actually means "inside tooth".
How Does Numbing Work?
July 6, 2019
It may seem like magic to have a dental procedure and not even feel it, but how does this numbing process actually work? Let's take a look at the interesting science behind one of the dentist's best tools for patient comfort.
Top Dental Health Concerns for Toddlers
June 28, 2019
Whether they're in the "Terrible Twos", the "Tantrum Threes", or the "Fearsome Fours", caring for a toddler's teeth is a combination of firsts and learning. Here are a few tips
Three Great Times of Year to Get a Teeth Whitening
June 21, 2019
Having a great-looking smile can change how you feel and act, and one of the easiest ways to make a big difference in your smile is with professional teeth whitening at the dentist.
E-Cigarettes Are Still Bad for Your Teeth!
June 13, 2019
Electronic cigarettes and vaporizers have quickly become a trendy alternative to smoking, in large part because people believe they are safe to use. We’d like to send this vaping myth up in smoke.
Taking the X-Factor Out of Dental X-Rays
June 5, 2019
Dental radiographs, commonly known as dental x-rays, are one of the dentist’s most powerful preventive and diagnostic tools. They allow us to see potential threats to you dental health (like cavities) and plan treatment more accurately.
How Dentists Match the Color of a Dental Crown
May 29, 2019
Dental care is a blend of art and science, especially when it comes to repairing broken or decayed teeth with a dental crown (a.k.a cap).
Preventing Tooth Decay: To Rinse or Not to Rinse?
May 22, 2019
By the time we're adults, most of us probably think we've got brushing our teeth figured out. We've been doing it everyday for most of our lives, after all. However, there is one part of the process that many people get wrong: they rinse their mouths after brushing!
How to Know Whether You Should Get Veneers
May 14, 2019
There's one "Hollywood" white smile treatment that seems to breed a lot of curiosity: porcelain veneers. Here are a few basic pointers to help determine whether veneers are right for you.